GRRP Participant Resources
GRRP provides funding for direct loans and grants to fund projects that improve energy or water efficiency, enhance indoor air quality or sustainability, implement the use of zero-emission electricity generation, low-emission building materials or processes, energy storage, or building electrification strategies, or address climate resilience, of eligible HUD-assisted multifamily properties. The information on this page support participants ("awardees") who have been selected for GRRP awards under the Elements, Leading Edge and Comprehensive cohorts.
Awardees should reach out to your assigned Grant and Loan Specialist. Find your Grant and Loan Specialist here. If you do not see your award listed, email us for your assigned specialist.
Awardee Training
How-to-Series for GRRP Awardees
How to Use Greenlight for Elements Awardees. Elements award recipients will: 1) learn what Greenlight is; 2) understand how to navigate it; 3) learn how to upload an Elements award closing package; and 4) preview the new features of Greenlight.
How to Close a GRRP Elements Awards. Training designed to assist owners planning the closing of their Elements awards. The key topics of this training include: 1) an overview of who owners will work with during the closing process; 2) key steps and milestones of an Elements award closing; key documents included in a closing package; and 4) tips and tricks to help the closing process goes smoothly. The presentation is also available.
How to Submit a GRRP Elements Award Draw Request. Training is focused on draw requests for Elements award owners and it is designed to give owners a better understanding of 1) draw request requirements; and 2) using Greenlight to submit a draw request.
Select a cohort below to access closing and other supporting documents.
All Cohorts
- All Cohorts: GRRP Certification and Assurances (3/11/2024)
- All Cohorts: Consent from existing lenders/lien holders for property to participate in GRRP (3/11/2024)
- All Cohorts: Addendum to Project-Based Housing Assistance Payments Contract for GRRP * (3/11/2024)
- All Cohorts: Owner's Counsel Opinion (3/12/2024)
- All Cohorts: Agreement to Subordinate to GRRP Use Agreement * (6/21/2024)
- All Cohorts: GRRP Use Agreement * (Updated 6/21/2024)
- All Cohorts: Surplus Cash Note * (Updated 6/21/2024)
- All Cohorts: Surplus Cash Mortgage Agreement * (Updated 6/21/2024)
- All Cohorts: Agreement to Subordinate to GRRP Surplus Cash Loan * (6/21/2024)
- All Cohorts: Memorandum of GRRP Grant Agreement * (6/21/2024)
- All Cohorts: GRRP Award and Assignment Assumption (4/19/2024)
- All Cohorts: Addendum to Project Based Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Contract for GRRP—Shared Savings Retainer * (4/19/2024)
- All Cohorts: Agreement to Subordinate GRRP Surplus Cash Loan to Senior Lender (8/30/2024)
- Elements & Leading Edge: How to Request Award Extensions (6/17/2024)
- Grants Only: Direct Deposit and Banking Information Instructions for GRRP Grantees (8/16/2024)
- Elements: Surplus Cash Loan Agreement * (Updated 6/21/2024)
- Elements: Grant Agreement * (Updated 6/21/2024)
- Elements: Closing Checklist (3/14/2024)
- Elements: Consolidated Owner Certification Checklist (Updated 4/19/2024)
- Elements: GRRP Owner Completion Guaranty Agreement (Updated 7/9/2024)
- Elements: Draw Request Cover Memo *optional* (6/17/2024)
- Elements: Draw Request Overview for Awardees (6/20/2024)
- Elements: Completion Certification Submission Process (7/30/2024)
- Elements: Completion Certification – General Contractor sample certification template (8/2/2024)
- Elements: Completion Certification – Architect sample certification template (8/2/2024)
- Elements: Completion Certification – Third Party Accountant sample certification template (8/2/2024)
Leading Edge
- Leading Edge: Grant Agreement * (6/21/2024)
- Leading Edge: Surplus Cash Loan Agreement * (6/21/2024)
- Leading Edge: Closing Checklist for Awardees (8/20/2024)
- Owner Guide for Comprehensive Cohort Awards (7/15/2024)
Additional Draft Documents for Public Comment*
- All Cohorts: Grant Close Out (Cost Certificate) *
- All Cohorts: Resiliency Survey *
- Leading Edge: Commitment *
- Leading Edge: Transaction Plan Template *
- Leading Edge: Completion Certification *
- Comprehensive: Grant Agreement *
- Comprehensive: Surplus Cash Loan Agreement *
- Comprehensive: Commitment *
- Comprehensive: Transaction Plan Template *
- Comprehensive: Completion Certification *
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) for GRRP Grant and Loan Award Documents
- Grant and Loan Award documents marked with an asterisk ("*") are currently under review under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). This collection is new and the OMB control number is pending. The 30-Notice Federal Regiser Notice (No. FR-7080-N-36) to solicit public comments has been published and comments are due by September 9, 2024. To provide comments, send an email to and reference,"Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) Supporting Documents and Processing Requirements; OMB Control No.: 2502–NEW.”