If you are looking for immediate assistance
Immediately after a disaster, FEMA, the U.S. Small Business Administration, and other government agencies offer initial assistance. HUD then provides additional support for ongoing recovery through programs and partnerships.
Register and apply for FEMA assistance
Go to DisasterAssistance.gov or call 1-800-621-3362 or TTY: 1-800-462-7585 to apply for assistance.
Emergency management agencies
Find your state or territory’s emergency management agency.
HUD contacts
HUD disaster line: Call 1-800-304-9320 or email recovery@hud.gov.
- Housing counseling agencies: Search online for a housing counselor in your area or call 1-800-569-4287. Learn more about housing counseling services after a disaster.
Individuals and families
Housing providers, governments, and industry partners
As you respond to and recover from a disaster in your local communities, find resources for:
Housing providers (e.g., public housing agencies, multifamily housing providers)
State, local, and tribal governments
Housing counselors, homelessness response system, and CoCs
Contractors, business owners, and more
HUD disaster recovery funds (CDBG-DR)
HUD may provide flexible Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds to help cities, counties, and states recover from Presidentially declared disasters.
HUD Exchange: CDBG Disaster Recovery Funds
Learn about CDBG Disaster Recovery Funds on HUD.gov
Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program
If you are an individual
If you are an individual seeking CDBG-DR assistance, you can’t apply for these grants directly with HUD. However, you can contact your state or local community development office (below) to find out what you may qualify and how to apply for CDBG-DR funded programs. Learn more about HUD disaster recovery funds.
State and local community development offices
Select your state or territory to find your local point of contact.
Note: Only states or territories that have received CDBG-DR funds are listed.
Specific cities or counties
Birmingham, Alabama
Alabama (Birmingham)
Jefferson County, Alabama
Alabama (Jefferson County)
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Alabama (Tuscaloosa)
American Samoa (US Territory)
Specific cities or counties
Hawaii County, Hawaii
Hawaii (Hawaii County)
Kauai County, Hawaii
Hawaii (Kauai County)
Specific cities or counties
Chicago, Illinois
Illinois (Chicago)
Cook County, Illinois
Illinois (Cook County)
DuPage County, Illinois
Illinois (DuPage County)
Specific cities or counties
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Louisiana (Baton Rouge)
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Louisiana (Jefferson Parish)
Lake Charles, Louisiana
Louisiana (Lake Charles)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Louisiana (New Orleans)
St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana
Louisiana (St. Tammany Parish)
Specific cities or counties
Dearborn, Michigan
Michigan (Dearborn)
Detroit, Michigan
Michigan (Detroit)
North Carolina
New Jersey
New York
Specific cities or counties
New York City, New York
New York (New York City)
Orange County, New York
New York (Orange County)
Union, New York
New York (Union)
Northern Marianas Islands (US Territory)
Specific cities or counties
Dauphin County, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania (Dauphin County)
Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania (Luzerne County)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)
Puerto Rico (US Territory)
South Carolina
Specific cities or counties
Columbia, South Carolina
South Carolina (Columbia)
Lexington County, South Carolina
South Carolina (Lexington County)
Richland County, South Carolina
South Carolina (Richland County)
Specific cities or counties
Shelby County, Tennessee
Tennessee (Shelby County)
Nashville-Davidson, Tennessee
Tennessee (Nashville-Davidson)
Specific cities or counties
Dallas, Texas
Texas (Dallas)
Fort Worth, Texas
Texas (Fort Worth)
Houston, Texas
Texas (Houston)
San Marcos, Texas
Texas (San Marcos)
Virgin Islands (US Territory)
West Virginia
Protection from discrimination and fraud
If you are a disaster survivor and feel that you have been discriminated against, you can file a complaint by calling HUD at 1-800-669-9777 or TTY: 1-800-877-8339 or visit how to file a complaint. Materials and assistance are available in both English and Spanish. You should file a complaint with HUD as soon as possible. HUD may not be able to help you if your complaint is filed more than one year after the last discriminatory act.
The Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) provides guidance on how to comply with the Fair Housing Act, how to avoid housing discrimination, and how to seek help.
Scams and fraud
After a disaster, scam artists, identity thieves and other criminals often attempt to take advantage of disaster survivors: watch for and report any suspicious activity.
HUD press releases related to current disasters
HUD implements federal disaster assistance after a Presidentially declared disaster. Press releases detail HUD’s response and various relief options for those who are recovering from a Presidentially declared disaster. They also include information about waivers made in response to the disaster.
HUD Announces Waiver Package to Help Hawaii Communities Recover from Fires - August 16, 2023
HUD Announces Assistance for Mississippi in Wake of Tornadoes - March 23, 2023
Hurricane Ida
Additional federal disaster resources
Preparing for and managing a disaster
- Ready.gov or Listo.gov (Spanish) — Educating and empowering the American people to prepare for, respond to and mitigate emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters. Ready.gov also provides guidance for individuals with disabilities preparing for emergencies and disasters
- Administration for Community Living's emergency preparedness and emergency response — Offering information for older adults and people with disabilities
- USA.gov’s disasters and emergencies — Learning how to prepare for and recover from disasters and emergencies
Disaster assistance
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster information — FEMA provides assistance to individuals, governments, and private non-profits after a disaster
- U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) disaster assistance — SBA provides low-interest disaster loans to help businesses and homeowners recover from declared disasters
- Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) disaster assistance — FNS provides nutrition assistance to those most affected by a disaster or emergency
- USDA Rural Development disaster assistance — USDA Rural Development programs and services help rural residents, businesses, and communities impacted by disasters and support long-term planning and recovery efforts
Page last reviewed or updated: March 4, 2024