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HUD’s First Climate Action Plan

HUD's Climate Action Plan

HUD’s ambitious plan to tackle the climate crisis will help communities across the nation build more resilient infrastructure, reduce carbon emissions, create well-paid jobs, and pursue environmental justice for disproportionately impacted communities.

Build for the Future

Where HUD-assisted program participants can go to learn more about climate resiliency, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental justice. Explore funding opportunities in the Build for the Future Funding Navigator and be inspired and empowered to act.

HUD's Climate Action Plan

HUD’s ambitious plan to tackle the climate crisis will help communities across the nation build more resilient infrastructure, reduce carbon emissions, create well-paid jobs, and pursue environmental justice for disproportionately impacted communities.


Build for the Future

Where HUD-assisted program participants can go to learn more about climate resiliency, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental justice. Explore funding opportunities in the Build for the Future Funding Navigator and be inspired and empowered to act.


Climate Resilience and Adaptation. Photo Credit: Courtesy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Building Climate Resilience

Helping communities prepare for and equitably recover from natural disasters.

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Reducing Carbon Emissions

Reducing Carbon Emissions

Significantly reducing energy use in HUD-supported housing and switching to low-carbon or zero-carbon sources of energy, including solar.

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Pursuing Environmental Justice. Photo Credit: Getty Images

Pursuing Environmental Justice

Working to reverse disparities in exposure to environmental and health hazards for underserved communities.

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Climate and Environmental Justice Across HUD


Every HUD program and office has committed to specific, time-bound actions on climate and environmental justice. Through spending and policies, these actions show HUD's commitment toward using low- and zero-carbon energy and supporting the communities we serve as they recover from recent disasters and work to increase their resilience to ongoing climate and health risks, especially among historically underserved populations.

The HUD Exchange Build for the Future electronic resource library and funding navigator is a one-stop-shop for HUD program participants to learn more about climate resilience, carbon reduction, environmental justice, and cross-agency funding opportunities. The information and resources shared build upon HUD’s climate and environmental justice work by helping communities and program participants plan and implement climate resilient and sustainable projects.


Community Planning and Development


The Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) provides billions of dollars in flexible funding to help communities recover from and build resilience to climate hazards and natural disasters, particularly low- and moderate-income communities who are especially vulnerable due to current and historic discrimination and disinvestment.

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Public Housing and Voucher Programs


Public Housing and Voucher programs include capital investments and energy incentives, along with support for major renovation projects associated with conversions to project-based vouchers.

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Native American Programs


The Office of Native American Programs administers housing and community development programs that benefit American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments, tribal members, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, Native Hawaiians, and other Native American organizations.

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Office of Housing


The Office of Housing plays a vital role for the nation's homebuyers, homeowners, renters, and communities through its nationally administered programs. It includes the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the largest mortgage insurer in the world. FHA mortgage financing programs, primarily its insurance programs, enable billions of dollars of private capital to fund the purchase, refinance, construction and rehabilitation of single- and multifamily housing.

The Office of Housing includes the following program offices that are most familiar to lenders, other housing industry participants, and consumers: Office of Single Family Housing, Office of Multifamily Housing, Office of Healthcare Programs, Office of Housing Counseling, and the Office of Manufactured Housing.

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Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity


The mission of the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) is to eliminate housing discrimination, promote economic opportunity, and achieve diverse, inclusive communities by leading the nation in the enforcement, administration, development, and public understanding of federal fair housing policies and laws.

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Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes


The Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) was established by Congress in 1991 as the Office of Lead-Based Paint Abatement and Poisoning Prevention and was charged with protecting children and families from lead-based paint hazards in the home. In 1999, Congress expanded the Office’s mission to cover housing-related health and safety hazards more broadly, which it does through its Healthy Homes program.

The OLHCHH provides funds to state and local governments to develop and implement cost-effective ways to evaluate homes for and reduce hazards from lead-based paint, provides funds to state, local, and tribal governments and nonprofit organizations to evaluate homes for, and mitigate a broad range of housing-related health and safety hazards, enforces HUD's lead-based paint regulations, provides public outreach and technical assistance, and conducts technical studies (research) on methods of detecting, characterizing, and mitigating lead and other hazards in housing.

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Key Departmentwide Initiatives


In addition to the many actions program offices are taking to promote resilience, adaptation, decarbonization, and environmental justice strictly within their own programs, advancing these goals will require departmentwide, interagency and intergovernmental collaboration, including:

  • Implementing vulnerability assessments for multifamily properties, including a consideration of equity and the impact on relevant protected class groups
  • Developing a training series for HUD grantees and update HUD’s online tools to reflect updated floodplain risk management and wetlands protection policy
  • Facilitating trainings for grantees and partners that includes climate adaptation and environmental justice, incorporating climate risk in their areas
  • Developing enterprise-wide minimum data standards for utility management and risk mitigation and formulate an updated enterprise-wide approach to utility benchmarking
  • Establishing points for climate mitigation and adaptation measures in competitive Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) where appropriate
  • Continuing ongoing partnership with EPA to identify and investigate Public Housing and Multifamily assisted housing in which lead pollution and other contaminants of concern from National Priorities List sites could impact residents’ health
  • Where contamination is found in HUD-assisted housing, working across Federal, Tribal, State, and Local agencies and nongovernmental organizations to help the impacted community identify available resources and appropriate solutions to eliminate hazards and improve residents’ overall health
  • Collaborating with EPA’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization, we well as State and Tribal Response Programs, to ensure cross-agency alignment with respect to changing climate conditions brownfields policies
  • Refining departmentwide radon testing and mitigation standards by rule and deliver radon training series and guidance materials to HUD customers covering topics including radon basics, regulatory requirements, and testing and mitigation best practices
  • Updating Program guidance on environmental review procedures to include analysis of climate mitigation measures, adaptation strategies, and environmental justice

See the complete list of committed actions in the Climate Action Plan.



News and Announcements


HUD Press Releases

11/19/2024    HUD Successfully Delivers More Than $1.4 Billion in Housing Investments from President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act

09/27/2024    Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Resources to Retrofit and Weatherize Affordable Homes in American

09/25/2024    HUD Joins Federal Agencies and AmeriCorps to expand Workforce Training for Clean Energy Jobs

09/23/2024    HUD Commits to Protect Households Across the Nation from Extreme Heat

09/23/2024    HUD Announces Additional Funding to Support Residents During Ongoing Unit Repairs

08/16/2024    Two Years After Signage of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, HUD is Creating More Affordable, Energy Efficient and Climate Resilient Homes for Renters

08/14/2024    HUD Partners With More Than 25 Federal Agencies in Coordinated Fight Against Extreme Heat and Climate Change

07/09/2024    HUD and FEMA Partnership Enhances State Planning for Housing Recovery, Builds Resilience

06/21/2024    HUD Releases Updated Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan

06/13/2024    HUD Takes Action to Protect Families Against Extreme Heat

04/25/2024    Fact Sheet: HUD Prioritizes Resilient, Efficient, and Green Homes and Community Development

04/25/2024    HUD Acting Secretary Travels to Philadelphia, PA to Mark Investments in Sustainability

04/24/2024    HUD Kicks Off a Series of New Actions to Help Communities Fight Extreme Heat

04/22/2024    HUD Announces Final Rule that will Protect Communities from Flooding Events and Rising Insurance Costs

03/13/2024    HUD Signs on to Historic Climate Declaration at United Nations Buildings and Climate Forum

02/26/2024    HUD, EPA, and CDC Announce Interagency Commitments to More Robust Collaboration on Addressing Risks of Exposures to Lead

01/25/2024    HUD, DOE, EPA Sign Joint Letter Asking Utility Companies to Make Energy and Water Usage Data Available for Multifamily Properties

12/06/2023    HUD and DOE Announce New Partnership to Decarbonize U.S. Building Sector at COP28

12/06/2023    HUD Launches Free Energy and Water Benchmarking Service for HUD-Assisted Multifamily Properties

08/04/2023    HUD Publishes Updated Public and Assisted Housing Guidance for Treatment of Solar Programs for Residents to Benefit from President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda

07/11/2023    HUD Secretary Partners with Japan to Forge Sustainable Urban Solutions and Climate Resilience

05/11/2023    HUD Announces More than $837 Million from President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda to Improve Housing Quality and Reduce Energy Costs for Underserved Communities

04/20/2023    HUD Fact Sheet: HUD Honors Earth Day, Illustrates Commitment to Fighting Climate Crisis through Efficient and Green Community Development

04/20/2023    Statement from Secretary Marcia L. Fudge, Deputy Secretary Adrianne Todman on the 53rd Anniversary of Earth Day

03/15/2023    HUD Announces Overhaul of Disaster Recovery Program to Better Deliver for Impacted Communities

01/12/2023    Biden-Harris Administration Releases First-Ever Blueprint to Decarbonize America's Transportation Sector

12/08/2022    HUD Announces Improvements to Climate-Forward Housing Program

11/17/2022    HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge, Deputy Secretary Adrianne Todman Issue Statement Applauding First-Ever Ministerial Meeting on Urbanization and Climate Change at COP27

07/27/2022    Biden Administration Announces Steps to Lower Electricity Bills for Residents in HUD Programs

02/28/2022    HUD Secretary Fudge Joins DOE Secretary Granholm to Announce Better Climate Challenge

11/17/2021    HUD Releases Agency Climate Action Plan

11/01/2021    HUD Allocates More than $2 Billion to Advance Equitable Disaster Recovery, Build Climate Change Resilience

In Other News

01/06/2022    Secretaries Fudge and Granholm Tour NHT Communities' Green Retrofit Property in West Baltimore

11/12/2021    Around the Agencies: HUD's Climate Pitch (from Morning Energy Newsletter)

11/11/2021    Watch: Secretary Marcia Fudge Announces HUD’s Climate Action Plan at COP26



Footer Image: 16th Street Mall, Denver