What's Coming on HUD's Homes and Communities Website
Section 207(f)(2) of the E-Government Act of 2002 requires federal agencies to develop an inventory of information to be published on their websites, establish a schedule for publishing information, make those schedules available for public comment, and post the schedules and priorities on the website.
HUD has a long-standing policy to put as much information as possible and practical on its website, and we believe we already have posted everything that we can. However, HUD web managers surveyed the Freedom of Information Act Officers throughout the Department and HUD staff who routinely respond to customer questions via phone and email, asking them to list any frequently requested information that is not already available on HUD's website. Based on that review, we intend to publish the information listed below.
If new information becomes available at HUD that is important to the public, we are committed to putting it on our website. If you have suggestions for additional information we should have on HUD's website, please let us know.
Item | Planned Action | Estimated Date of Publication |
List of HUD lenders | Visitors already can search the database of lenders who are approved to do FHA loans. No further action is planned. | |
Explanation of the difference between HUD, Veterans Administration, and conventional mortgage loans | Visitors can find information at the Veterans Administration, Fannie Mae and Freddie mac. No further action is planned. | |
List of HUD funding allocations by zip code/community | Chief Financial Officer will begin researching possibilities for providing this information in December. | |
List of all affordable housing in each geographic area | HUD does not maintain listings of affordable housing beyond those units that are funded through HUD. HUD-subsidized apartments can be searched on the website. No further action is planned. | |
Directions to HUD partners on how to change their contact information on HUD's website (especially Public Housing Agencies and Housing Counseling agencies) | We will develop an explanation in our "Common Questions." | Completed |
Directions on how to complain about a housing authority | We will develop an explanation in our "Common Questions." | FY09 |
Directions on how to complain about programmatic aspects of Section 8 | We will develop an explanation in our "Common Questions." | FY09 |
Directions on how to complain about conditions in Section 8 properties | We will develop an explanation in our "Common Questions." | FY09 |
Directions on how to complain about lenders | We will develop an explanation in our "Common Questions." | FY09 |
Directions on how to complain about landlords | We will develop an explanation in our "Common Questions." | FY09 |
The complete list of all people who are owed refunds of their FHA mortgage insurance premium | HUD's website already has a searchable list so that people can find out if they are owed a refund. No further action is planned. | |
The number of fair housing complaints and the results | HUD lists new charges and settlements on the website. We will look into the feasibility of providing aggregated data in the future. | |
Performance data for each community development program | HUD already posts the following data:
We plan to add reports in the future, as soon as possible. |
Community/homeowners/condo associations | Visitors can find information from the Community Association Institute. No further action is planned. | |
FOIA | Redesigned and expanded Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) web page, including HUD's most frequently requested FOIAs. | FY09 |
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